Ordained Minister, Speaker, Author

Julie SealsOrdained Minister, Speaker, Author

Julie Seals is an Ordained Minister with the Pen-Florida District Assemblies of God. She has overcome Spina Bifida, a 17-year addiction to crystal methamphetamine, the amputation of her left leg, and a life sentence in federal prison to share her relentless passion for seeing people SET FREE from darkness to boldly live out the call of God upon their lives!

My Story

Giants of depression, self-hatred, and despair surrounded me on every side. I was so strung out from 17 years of alcohol and methamphetamine addiction that I couldn’t even put together a coherent sentence. My left leg had been amputated due to neurological complications from the spina bifida. My dad had died unexpectedly from lung cancer, I had run away from a failing, miserable marriage, and I had lost custody of my precious son Tyler when he was 4 years old because I was such a mess…

Her Hope Recovery Mentoring 

God has called Julie to mentor, encourage, and disciple Christian women in recovery through one-on-one personal mentoring sessions. Women who have made a life-transforming decision to follow Jesus Christ and keep the Word of God at the center of their journey are empowered to live FREE from the chains of addiction through renewing their mind and fully surrendering to the Holy Spirit so they can walk in the fullness of their Ephesians 2:10 calling.

Mentoring spots are limited due to Julie’s extensive speaking and prison ministry schedule.

Prison Ministry

Julie and her husband Mike have been ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ in prisons for 17 years and counting. Mike is a full-time Senior Chaplain with the Florida Department of Corrections and brings Julie in to share her story for God’s glory. Mike and Julie hold regular chapel services where broken men find the hope to believe that Jesus died to forgive them and transform their lives right there on the inside of the razor-wire fences. Gang members, Wikkans, Odinists, atheists, backsliders, and more are responding to altar calls and getting baptized.

Julie also ministers in the Florida Women’s Reception Center in Ocala where she leads a variety of life-transforming discipleship workshops, all-day retreat experiences, and worship services. Events include testimonies, special speakers, anointed worship, and focused prayer. Many women are surrendering their hearts to Jesus Christ and trusting Him with their lives. 

As of July 1, 2024, Mike and Julie have conducted 420 prison ministry services, ministering to over 21,500 inmates.


Don’t Quiet Quit on God!

Don’t Quiet Quit on God!

There is a semi-new trend today in the workforce. People are doing something called "Quiet Quitting." Harvard Business Review defines Quiet Quitting as "doing only the minimum requirement of one's job and putting in no more time, effort, and enthusiasm than what is...

Hang on! Daddy’s Coming!

Hang on! Daddy’s Coming!

This morning I was taking my rescue German Shepherd, Johnny, with me on my 3-mile mental health walk around my neighborhood. It was a gorgeous, sunny, blue-sky kind of morning. There was no warning that things were about to change and go terribly wrong.... Suddenly,...

The Hardest Thing – and the BEST Thing

The Hardest Thing – and the BEST Thing

The Hardest Thing (written by Julie Seals on January 4, 2012) One of the hardest things to do is learn how to forgive yourself…only those who know what a genuine “mess” I was “before Jesus” will understand how hard this struggle has been for me. Many years ago in the...

What Are People Saying?

“Julie Seals has an incredible testimony that resonates God’s love and grace. She is a dynamic speaker who moves, inspires, and challenges everyone! I highly recommend her as a dynamic speaker. You will be blessed to hear her. To know her is to love her. She is beautiful in every way and radiates God’s love. You MUST hear Julie Seals!”

– Pastor Mary Postell

“Julie Seals is an incredible, anointed, gifted speaker! Her story has touched my heart and the lives of so many. It truly is the greatest comeback testimony I have ever heard!”

– Dianna Walston

“This tiny girl is filled BIG with the Holy Spirit, and I was enthralled by her story.

Julie is humble, brave, beautiful, bold, obedient, and ON FIRE for God.

It is truly contagious!”

– Joani Bailey Ross

“The power was all over Julie Seals when she held my hands and prayed for me. I felt God…

I REALLY felt Him.

I have been a Christian for over 30 years and I knew “in my mind” that God loved me, but my heart was never able to fully accept it until I heard Julie’s testimony. I’m forever changed.”

– Debbie

“Julie has stepped out of the shadows of heartache, walking boldly into the light to share the hope that is within her. It has been a joy to see how God is blessing her personally, healing broken relationships and restoring health and vitality. Knowing Julie over the years and watching her live her life with the single-minded focus to share the love and hope of Jesus has been an inspiration to me personally and I am blessed to call her my friend.”

– Donna Gunn


She touched my life and my heart so much with her words, I wish I had it on video. Julie gave me hope that an addict like me can be as beautiful as her!!!! I cried for hours in prayers after hearing her speak, and I laid every bit of my pain at the alter. It feels amazing!!!!! I got up from that altar HEALED and FREE!!!

Julie Seals touched my heart and got to me like no one has ever been able to do…..”

– Shari