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If you know anyone that you believe would benefit greatly from this book, do send them to the pre-order page or gift them a book. Thank you for your support.
These were [Jesus’] instructions to them: ‘The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.’” (Luke 10:2)
When you sow financially into Julie Seals Ministries, you will play a vital role in making it possible for Julie’s new book, All My Hope: A Prisoner No More, to be sent into every state prison, federal prison, and county jail, as well as every Teen Challenge and substance abuse recovery program in the United States, and then, throughout the world.
In addition, as you sow into this ministry, you are making it possible for Julie to travel to prisons, substance abuse recovery centers, youth revivals, juvenile facilities, and more, to share the radical rescue and redemption that is possible through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
While you are sowing seeds into the soil of souls through this ministry, you will also be reaping a harvest of blessings in your own life. To God be all the glory for your partnership!